The Business and Transactional Law attorney/paralegal team specializes in assisting clients with the difficult decisions faced by all business owners in today's competitive environment. We represent clients of all sizes and types including corporations, limited liability companies, partnerships and sole proprietorships. When counseling our clients on the wide range of business issues they face, we provide them with the solutions and strategies they need to deal with their business challenges. Our business attorneys can provide assistance in areas such as:
-Formation and operation of business entities
-Buying, selling, merging and consolidating businesses
-Forming strategic alliances, joint ventures and special purpose entities
-Business financing, including secured and unsecured borrowing
-Contract negotiation and drafting
-Product licensing, distribution and marketing
-Business dispute resolution
-Employment relationships, including devising and enforcing restrictive covenants
-Employee incentives and benefit plans
There is a lot more to establishing a business than forming an LLC, C Corporation, Limited Partnership or whatever entity you have in mind. It requires good counsel and solid legal and business advice. Most businesses (80%) fail in the first year. If you make it past the first year, some statistics are as high as 50% will not make it the fifth year. We want to see our business partners do well and work hard to assist you along the way, not just as legal counselors or “yes men” but with the advice you may not want to hear.